ITV will start early in ‘sleepy’ N.-West

The Manchester Evening News reports that Granada will go off air early because Northerns like an early bedtime

Manchester Evening News
From the Manchester Evening News for 2 March 1956


EVENING ITV shows in Manchester are to start earlier than in London. The reason: Northerners go to bed earlier than Southerners. Programme contractors are now working out the broadcasting hours.

Associated-Rediffusion, one of the London contractors, wants to start with a children’s hour (from 5 to 6 p.m.) and evening viewing from 7 25 to 10 30 p.m. with certain morning programmes designed for set-testing purposes.

But a spokesman for Granada Television, the Sidney Bernstein organisation, which will be responsible for Manchester midweek programmes, said to-day it was anticipating an earlier start and finish to evening viewing.


This move is expected to be opposed by the B.B.C. There is a possibility the corporation will ask the Postmaster-General to force ITV to keep to B.B.C. viewing hours.

It fears people switching on to commercial television before the B.B.C. goes on the air might be “lost” to B.B.C. programmes for the rest of the evening.

All contractors seem to be agreed that women’s afternoon programmes are not likely to start until ITV has mastered its initial difficulties.


Mr. Bernstein was in Manchester again to-day and he cleared up what he called a “misunderstanding.”

Earlier reports said he was seeking a building as a temporary home for his administrative and studio staff.

He said: “There is no question of using a temporary building. We shall build headquarters and use part of them until they are complete.

“To-day we’re looking at sites. Evaluating them. They are narrowed down now.”

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