Pardon the Expression… that’s business

The comedy spin-off of Coronation Street

TVTimes masthead
From the TVTimes for week commencing 5 June 1965

HUFFING, harassed Mr. Swindley of Coronation Street has always tickled viewers pink. Only right, therefore, that he should be given a comedy show of his own – the Wednesday programme Pardon the Expression. Arthur Lowe’s portrait of a funny little man reminds us of Charlie Chaplin of old-always coming to grief. Still, Swindley is Swindley, upon my soul. And setbacks in business – whether in the small-time shop of Gamma Garments or the big-time store of Dobson and Hawks just spur him on … if you’ll pardon the expression

1 thought on “Pardon the Expression… that’s business

  1. I remember reading that Bernard Youens turned down the opportunity to play Jack Walker because Arthur Leslie took it on board, It would have been interesting to see Bernard Youens acting with Doris Speed as Jack and Annie Walker, It probably would have been funny, but we’ll never know, I would like to have known what Bernard Youens sounded like as a continuity announcer, but I don’t know if any footage exists.

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