Summer advertising

Advertise on Granada in Summer 1964

Why not give your whole sales force 4 weeks holiday in August?
8 May 1964

Why not give your whole sales force 4 weeks holiday in August?

Perish the thought. With your salesmen out of action for a month, your competition would move in. Rival products would steal a march on you.

Couldn’t the same thing happen if you leave the month of August off your advertising schedule?

Or do you still cling to the legend that “nobody looks at advertisements in August”?

The facts and figures prove otherwise. Take television for example. In mid-summer, TV viewing drops off 15% at most. But TV rate reductions then average about 33%. Granada actually reduces rates by 45% in August.*

This means that only in August can you – or your competitors – reach so many viewers for so little money.

You could hardly choose a more wasteful four weeks to give your advertisements a holiday.

*And in Granadaland you get the biggest audience in the country.

What's happened to the gentlemen's agreement not to advertise in August?
15 May 1964

What’s happened to the gentlemen’s agreement not to advertise in August?

Once, almost nobody advertised in August. It simply wasn’t done.

So why do many leading advertisers now book as much time in August as in May, June or November?

These shrewd gentlemen agree that the facts speak for themselves. In mid-summer, TV view ing drops off 15% at most. Yet TV rate reductions then average about 33%. Granada’s reduction is actually 45% in August.*

This means that there’s no other month in the year when you can reach so many viewers for so little money.

You’ll never get a better chance to speak to them.

*And in Granadaland you get the biggest audience in the country.

On England's hot, clear, summer nights, nobody watches TV. Right?
29 May 1964

On England’s hot, clear, summer nights, nobody watches TV. Right?

Wrong. (Even if it were true, how many hot nights make an English Summer?)

We’re not claiming, of course, that TV viewing doesn’t drop off a bit in August. But people don’t change their deep-rooted habits from one month to the next. For most of them, watching TV has become part of a year-around pattern of behaviour.

That’s why many leading advertisers now book as much time in August as they do in June or November.

They’ve carefully weighed the facts and figures. In mid-summer, TV viewing drops off 15% at most — at a time when TV rate reductions average about 33%. Granada actually reduces rates by 45% in August.*

This means that there’s no other month when you can reach so many viewers for so little money.

Worth considering?

*Granadaland’s audience is the biggest in the country.

This is many people's favourite holiday resort.
5 June 1964

This is many people’s favourite holiday resort.

Many families spend their summer holidays at home. Watching TV is the nearest they get to getting away from it all.

Because these people are taking things easy, they are apt to devote more time than ever to their favourite TV programmes.

We’re not claiming, of course, that TV viewing doesn’t drop off a bit during the hot weather. Overall figures show that it does. But never more than 15% in August — just when TV rate reductions average about 33%.

Granada’s August rate reduction is actually 45%.*

If you are an advertiser, this means there is no other month in the year when you can reach so many viewers for so little money.

It’s hardly surprising that many leading users of TV now book as much time in August as they do in June or November.

*And in Granadaland you get the biggest audience in the country.

Bet you can't guess in which month advertisers reach the most TV viewers for their money?
12 June 1964

Bet you can’t guess in which month advertisers reach the most TV viewers for their money?

□ January?
□ February?
□ March ?
□ April?

□ May?
□ June?
□ July?
□ August?

□ September?
□ October?
□ November?
□ December?

Unless you know, you’ll never name it.

It’s a month when many people are away on holiday.

It’s the month when, back in the old days, hardly anybody advertised at all.

That’s right. August.

Surveys show that during August TV viewing drops off 15% at most. At the very time when TV rate reductions average about 33% – and Granada actually reduces rates by 45%.*

Many leading advertisers have weighed these facts and figures. Finding there’s no other month when they can reach so many viewers for so little money, they now book as much time in August as they do in June or November.

It’s not too late to join them.

*And in Granadaland you get the biggest audience in the country.

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